Economic Valuation of Shalbon Bihar Using Travel Cost Method
Economic Valuation, Travel Cost Method, Shalbon Bihar, BangladeshAbstract
Shalban Bihar is one of the most prominent archaeological sites as well as a tourist spot in the Comilla district of Bangladesh. A fast-growing economic sector like tourism, Shalban Bihar creates huge economic value by serving recreation, which plays a significant role in the development of the local community as well as the national economy. The main objective of the study is to estimate the monetary value arising from the recreational services of Shalbon Bihar. The study is based on primary data. The respondents of the study were the visitors who traveled to Shalbon Bihar during the survey period. The sample size of the study is 200. There was a systematic random sampling process used to choose the respondents. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews following a semi-structured questionnaire. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was utilized to analyze the gathered data. Descriptive statistical analysis and Poisson regression analysis were performed to interpret the data. From the study, it is observed that the average travel cost is 554.60 taka, and the cost of travelling time of an individual is 576.25 taka. Thus, Shalban Bihar has created a value of 1052 taka per visit by providing recreational services to the visitors. The study suggests undertaking different improvement plans like establishing an ATM booth, modern toilet facility and residential facility for the site to boost the economic contribution to the local as well as national economy.
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