The Role of Atlas Application in Moderating the Influence of Due Professional Care and Accountability on Audit Risk Assessment

Empirical Study on KAP in Bali Province


  • Putu Kemala VIDYANTARI Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • I Made Aditya PRAMARTHA Warmadewa University, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Gde Yogiswara Darma PUTRA Warmadewa University, Indonesia



ATLAS, Due Professional Care, Accountability, Audit Risk Assessment, Audit Tools


This study examines the role of the ATLAS application in moderating the influence of due professional care and accountability on audit risk assessment in public accounting firms (KAP) in Bali Province. This study uses a quantitative approach with the purposive sampling method to determine respondents, and data analysis is carried out using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). This study uses the COSO ERM theory to help understand and explain the research results related to risk management in the audit process. The study results show that due professional care has a positive and significant effect on audit risk assessment in Bali Province, which indicates that auditors who perform their duties with professional prudence tend to produce more accurate risk assessments. On the other hand, accountability had a positive but insignificant effect on audit risk assessment, suggesting that although there is a positive relationship, the influence is not strong enough to be considered statistically significant. The role of ATLAS cannot moderate the influence of due professional care or accountability on audit risk assessment, which indicates that ATLAS, although designed to support the audit process, has not been effective in strengthening the relationship. This study provides insights into the importance of due professional care in audit risk assessment and optimising the use of ATLAS in implementing audits.


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