The Influence of Hedonic Shopping Motivation and Fashion Involvement to Impulse Buying in E-Commerce


  • Widya SEPTIANI College of Economics, Scholar Bojonegoro, Indonesia
  • Ari KUNTARDINA College of Economics, Scholar Bojonegoro, Indonesia
  • Eka ADIPUTRA College of Economics, Scholar Bojonegoro, Indonesia
  • Dina Alafi HIDAYATIN College of Economics, Scholar Bojonegoro, Indonesia
  • Nur HIDAYAH College of Economics, Surabaya Youth, Indonesia


Hedonic shopping motivation (HSM), Fashion involvement (FI), Impulse buying (IB)


Research to understand influence of HSM and FI on IB in e-commerce. Quantitative research with stratified random sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires given to 82 students who used e-commerce, with multiple linear regression data analysis. The results show HSM does not affect IB in e-commerce.  While FI has a significant effect on IB in e-commerce. HSM and FI simultaneously have a significant effect on IB in e-commerce. E-commerce merchants are expected to continue to adapt to trends, changes in consumer behavior and follow technological developments in an effort to maintain consumer satisfaction. They need to identify consumer needs and preferences, and implement innovative solutions to enhance the shopping experience.


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