Community Participation in Indonesia in Preservation and Continuation of Environmental Protection and Management


  • Achmad Adi Surya Guntur SILAM Palangka Raya University, Indonesia
  • Mutia Evi KRISTHY Palangka Raya University, Indonesia
  • Yesieari Silvanny SIBOT Palangka Raya University, Indonesia
  • Suriansyah HALIM Palangka Raya University, Indonesia



Environmental Impacts, Constitutional Mandate, Environmental Awareness, Social Impact


The concept of sustainable development, as discussed at the United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972, focuses on development that considers environmental impacts. It highlights the constitutional mandate in Article 28H of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, emphasizing the right of every Indonesian citizen to a good and healthy living environment. Despite this constitutional provision, implementing sustainable development has faced challenges and confusion at the policy and regulatory levels. In Indonesia, where forest and land fires are recurrent disasters with severe ecological, economic, and social consequences, the aims underscore the significance of environmental awareness and proactive measures in addressing these issues. It emphasizes the interdependence between human actions and the environment and calls for responsible environmental stewardship. The research method used is legal research, which departs from statutory provisions, namely research on the legal principles of environmental provisions, specifically regarding community participation in environmental management. Overall, this provides insights into the critical role of environmental awareness and sustainable development in ensuring a better future for Indonesia's environment and its citizens, in alignment with constitutional mandates and international principles.


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Explanation of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution.

Explanation of Article 28H of the 1945 Constitution.

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Law Number 4 of 1982 concerning Basic Provisions for Environmental Management, replaced by Law Number 23 of 1997 concerning Environmental Management, replaced by Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, amended by Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, amended by Regulation instead of Law (Perpu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation.

UU no. 4 of 1982 (UULH) and Law no. 23 of 1997 (UUPLH) use the term environmental management (PLH). New in Law no. 32 of 2009 (UUPPLH) uses environmental protection and management (PPLH). However, its existence, targets, and primary objectives are the same: efforts to preserve environmental functions sustainably. This article/book uses UPPLH as the law currently in force.

Yunus Wahid, M, 1994, Op. cit., page. 291


