Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy: Announcements
<p align="justify">Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy (abbreviated as JTEP) published by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PT Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia</a>, p-ISSN <a href="">2775-2283</a> and e-ISSN <a href="">2807-2839</a> are multidisciplinary journals covering all aspects of the environmental impacts of socio-economic development, tourism, and policy. The Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy has published four issues per year and published in April – June, July – September, October – December, January – March. Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy (abbreviated as JTEP) is a accredited in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA (Science and Technology Index) at GRADE 4 (SINTA 4)</a> by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Republic of Indonesia <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Decree 152/E/KPT/2023</a> valid from Volume 1 Nomor 1 (2021) to Volume 5 No 4 (2025) and a member of CrossRef. Therefore, each article will own a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.38142/jtep</a> , <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ORCID Connecting research and researchers</a> , and other indexing, see <a href="">Abstract and Indexing</a>.</p>en-USTest
Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy2022-11-10Account Bank
Journal of Tourism Economics and Policy2022-11-08