Online Presence System Design Based On Data Granted Validity


  • M. Mahaputra HIDAYAT Bhayangkara University, Indonesia
  • Achmad Alfan MUBARROK Bhayangkara University, Indonesia
  • Bintang Prasetyo Budi UTOMO Bhayangkara University, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Ivan ZACHARIA Bhayangkara University, Indonesia



Website, Presence, Granted Validity, Qr Code


The presence of employees in an agency is very important for recording attendance accurately and avoiding fraud in the manual attendance process. Therefore, designing an online presence system is the right solution to overcome this problem. A good online presence system must have high accuracy and be integrated with an efficient data management system. One way to improve the accuracy of the online attendance system is to use the data validation method provided. The manual attendance system used by the company suffers from inaccuracies and fraud. Therefore, this study aims to overcome this problem by designing and implementing an online presence system based on the validity of the data provided. Information system development methods are used to design online presence systems that use blockchain technology to ensure data validity and reduce the risk of fraud. In conclusion, an online attendance system based on the validity of the data provided can be an effective and efficient alternative solution for institutions that still use manual attendance systems.


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