Urban Regeneration and Sustainable Building Transformation: Wood As a Building Material


  • Alberto CERVESATO University of Udine, Italy




Urban Regeneration, Sustainability, Abandoned Buildings, Reuse, Renaturalization


The current cultural debate in urban and architectural fields - but not only - sees the emergence of increasing attention to environmental sustainability and related issues, which inevitably condition all the different phases of the project. Reducing land consumption, coping with climate change, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, as well as increasing their level of living comfort, are just some of the goals to be pursued to achieve a generalized improvement of the built environment through application of the typical principles of the so-called urban regeneration. Looking at the internal areas of the Italian territory, concepts are evoked such as the reuse of materials, the reconversion of buildings and sometimes the renaturalization, which is a less usual choice for a highly man-made territory like the Italian one. In this case, therefore, the use of wood as a preferential material for the aforementioned operations, a material which, over the last few decades, has greatly improved from a structural and performance point of view. Finally, a proposal will be made, carried out with the Municipality of Resia, moved precisely by these principles and aimed at being a sort of “model” - and also a stimulus - for the future of planning in these areas.


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Department for Development and Economic Cohesion (DPS), Internal areas: which territories are we talking about?, Explanatory note on the method of classification of areas, on agenziacoesione.gov.it. Link: https://www.agenziacoesione.gov.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/ Nota_metodologica_Aree_interne-2-1.pdf (URL last consultation: June 2021).

National Institute of Statistics, National demographic balance year 2018. Link: https://www.istat.it/it/files//2019/07/Statisti- ca-report-Bilancio-demografico-2018.pdf (URL last consultation: July 2022). The choice to use the data relating to the year 2018 derives from the fact of wanting to propose an analysis of the data not conditioned by the Covid-19 pandemic which has caused a significant increase in the number of deaths. Furthermore, by analyzing the data of the 2020 national demographic balance (link: https://www.istat.it/storage/rapporto-annuale/2020/Rapportoannuale2020.pdf (URL last consultation: July 2022): it emerges as the number of desired children is higher than the real number of births, a negative figure always conditioned by the pandemic.

National Institute of Statistics, Regional forecasts of the resident population in 2065. Link: https://www.istat.it/it/files//2018/05/ forecast_demografiche.pdf (URL last consultation: July 2022).

Data obtained from the site of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, The regional forest system. Link: https://www.regione.fvg.it/rafvg/cms/RAFVG/igianato-imprese/agricoltura-foreste/foreste/ (URL last consultation: August 2022).

Following the conclusions of the preliminary investigation activity for the selection of the internal areas of the Region conducted by the Internal Areas Technical Committee, the Regional Council of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, with resolution n. 597/2015 has identified three internal areas which are: “Alta Carnia”, “Friulian Dolomites” and “Canal del Ferro-Val Canale” (which includes the Municipality of Resia). Link: https://www.regione.fvg.it/rafvg/cms/RAFVG/economy-imprese/montagna/FOGLIA14/#id3 (URL last consultation: July 2022).


