Analysis of Food System Resilince in Kampoeng Cireundeu, Leuwigajah, South Cimahi, Cimahi
The Indonesian government has tried to develop tourism based on the potential and ability of people to manage tourism activities. This strategy is realized through the development of a tourism village, one of which is the Lombok Kulon Tourism Village in Bondowoso Regency. This study aims to determine the institutional capacity in developing Lombok Kulon Tourism Village. The study was conducted with a descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study indicate that at the organizational level, the POKDARWIS "Lombok Kulon" has shown functional capacity in aspects of external partnerships, aspects of tourism potential development, and aspects of promotion of tourism villages. While in the aspects of leadership and coordination, it shows a lack of capacity. While at the individual level, individuals have a functional capacity in pioneering the development of tourism potential. However, individuals have a lack of capacity in understanding and applying the village tourism concept.
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