Analysis of the Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System to Improve Organizational Performance (Study in the Regional Human Resource Development Agency in NTT Province)
Management, Quality, ISO 9001:2015Abstract
The Regional Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMD) of the Province of NTT as one of the Regional Government Institutions has the obligation and commitment since 2020 to implement the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system. This needs to be done because in reality the NTT Provincial BPSDMD in the implementation of organizational functions related to planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating organizational tasks is not optimal, the lack of availability of facilities and infrastructure to support organizational tasks, limited programs, curriculum and learning modules, not optimal human resource development organizational task manager because the number of human resources is still minimal.
The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, with a case study approach carried out at the NTT Province BPSDMDD with a total of 77 informants, then the collected data will be analyzed using data analysis techniques from Creswell (2016: 264-268)
Based on the results of the research and discussion in the previous chapter, the authors can conclude that the application of the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system to improve organizational performance at the Regional Human Resources Development Agency for the Province of NTT according to the International Organization for Standardization (, 2015) states that there is 7 principles underlying the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System with positive findings on (1) Process Approach, (2) Improvement and (3) Evidence Based Decision Making whereas; (4) Customer Focus, (5) Leadership, (6) Engagement of People and (7) Relationship Management were found to be ineffective.
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